Monday, September 10, 2012

HatJam - The Random Game Jam

For those of you who don't know, I'm currently producing/running a game jam for my fellow students!

It's called the HatJam!

The blog of said game jam is over here.

Once this one is done and we all have more experience under our belts, I intend to open it up to more people from near and far to join us in this fun experience. I'll make a new post with an email address to register you and/or your team!

To make the HatJam different than other jams, the subject for the jam is picked randomly from hats that have been populated by participants. It also has a more relaxed time frame that focuses on self-discipline, work ethic, team work, creativity, and fun.

Anywho, check it out! (here is another link.)
I try to update every day.


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